LSVT Loud® Parkinson's Program

reclaim your voice

Speech Therapy Services from the Comfort of Home


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At Thrive Therapy Solutions, I am a certified LSVT LOUD® provider, which is a specialized speech therapy program that helps patients with Parkinson's disease improve their communication skills and reclaim their voice. As a SLP I provide LSVT LOUD® therapy, to support patient's with Parkinson's overcome challenges and regain independence and confidence. Contact me today!

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About LSVT Loud®

LSVT LOUD® is an effective and evidence-based program that helps patients with Parkinson's disease improve their voice quality, speech clarity, and vocal loudness. By targeting the voice, patients can communicate more clearly, confidently, and effectively, enhancing their quality of life.

The Benefits of Our LSVT LOUD® Service

The LSVT LOUD® Parkinson's treatment option follows a specific protocol that is research-based with published effective outcomes. I work collaboratively with each patient to ensure that they are comfortable and motivated throughout the therapy sessions, making the process enjoyable and successful.

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Why Choose Thrive Therapy Solutions?

At Thrive Therapy Solutions, I am passionate about helping Parkinson's patients reclaim their voice and regain their confidence. I am experienced and highly skilled in providing LSVT LOUD® therapy and am committed to providing the best possible care and support to patients.

Reach Out Today

When it comes to LSVT®, there’s a lot to consider — and at Thrive Therapy Solutions, my mission is to ensure that you have the information and assistance you need to move forward confidently with the support of an SLP who can help. Take the first step towards improved communication and quality of life by scheduling an appointment with me today. At Thrive Therapy Solutions, I am committed to helping Parkinson's patients thrive and live their lives to the fullest!

Ready to get started? Contact me today to schedule a consultation.